Certificate of Acceptance - Form 8

You can apply to your council for a certificate of acceptance for work done without a building consent, or in specific circumstances when a code compliance certificate (CCC) can’t be issued.

A certificate of acceptance can be used in situations where work has been done without a building consent, or where a building consent authority cannot issue a code compliance certificate. Its use is outlined in the Building Act 2004 (Part 2 sections 96-99).

A certificate of acceptance has some similarities to a code compliance certificate in that it will provide some verification for a building owner/future building owner that part or all of certain building work carried out complies with the Building Code.

Certificates of acceptance are based on the Building Code at the time the application is made rather than what was in place at the time a building consent was granted, should have been applied for, or when the work was actually carried out.

If you apply for a COA, providing evidence from a suitably qualified and independent professional may assist the BCA to establish how the building work complies with the Building Code.

Steps in this form

Building Work


  • Legal description captures details of ownership of the property and legal description of the land.

  • Compliance schedule identifies the building’s specified systems and the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures needed to keep them in good order.

People and Roles

  • People and roles adds participants, identifies those who have mandatory roles like Agent, Registered Owner and Invoice Payer, and manages the level of access they have to an application.

  • COA contacts identifies the personnel who carried out any work on the project.


Upload and attach documents provides containers for you to upload supporting documentation.


Review summarises the information you have provided in previous steps and alerts you to any issues. You submit your application from this step.